About Ibra @artibra.eth
This time, we would like to introduce you to a 34 years old, incredibly talented artist and collector named Ibra from Turkey. With a passion for wood burning and digital art, Ibra has been honing their craft for the past two years, creating a colorful and vibrant world through their work.
Their unique linear style is infused with a range of emotions, capturing moments of happiness, sadness, and pain, each with its own distinct flavor. Ibra’s art blends these emotions and colors to create stunning works that bring joy to both the artist and their audience.
We’re thrilled to showcase Ibra’s work and share their incredible talent with our community. So without further ado, let’s dive into the world of this talented artist and explore their captivating art!
Как бы вы описали свою работу?
Как вы начали работать с НФТ?
I am a wood burning artist, and I am passionate about art. I had heard of the NFT world before and, as a researcher, I conducted some research which led me to discover the world of NFTs. I received help from friends whom I met on social media, and to achieve success in this field, I have made a promise to myself to continually improve.
I am patiently pursuing my goals, always striving to better myself.
How have NFTs help you as a creator?
This experience has helped me greatly in my personal growth. In the world of NFTs, with such a vast and diverse audience, it is crucial to continually improve oneself to avoid being left behind. Therefore, it is essential to work patiently and persistently without taking any breaks. Otherwise, the market may forget about you and your art.
I believe that success can be achieved through hard work and dedication, and I am committed to doing whatever it takes to reach my goals.
Какой совет вы бы дали создателям, которые только начинают работать в мире НФТ?
A beginner must be patient. You can become a great artist, but if you’re new to NFT, it’s good to take things slowly. Social media, especially Twitter, is very important, so it’s essential to have an account there. This is because people will discover you and your art through your social media presence, which is crucial. Additionally, it’s important to take time for yourself every day on social media and to establish good relationships with other artists and collectors. Being kind and polite is also essential.
Что было самой большой проблемой на вашем пути в NFT до сих пор?
Not being able to reach collectors who truly value art was the challenge for me.

Каких функций (если таковые имеются) вам не хватает на платформах, которые вы сейчас используете, и которые могли бы принести вам пользу как творцу?
Liking, commenting and resharing artworks on OIX. This is really awesome. I loved it so much. Great design for interaction. This is important for me.
Как, по вашему мнению, OIX может способствовать вашему успеху?
OIX is a great marketplace for me that deserves to be discovered by more people. I am thrilled to see my artwork featured on the main page, which is really amazing. However, I’ve noticed that OIX isn’t very active on Twitter, as there’s little feedback or interaction beyond likes. It would be great to see more sharing and events to boost engagement. In my experience, events always lead to success. The interest of collectors in OIX is really encouraging, and I appreciate it. I believe it would be beneficial for more artists to participate in these events. Artists don’t seem to do much shopping with each other, but perhaps offering rewards for shoppers could help drive more interaction and attention.